Terms of service

These General Terms of Service govern access to this web platform (the "Platform").

The Platform is owned by Followtip s.r.l. (Tax code and VAT number: 04122620133), located in Calolziocorte (LC), Via Mazzini, 42 – 23801 (the "Operator") and represents a promotional and intermediation tool (the "Service") aimed at connecting demand and supply in the field of accommodation and lodging services ("the Experience") offered by third-party independent accommodation facilities ("Hosts"). The Service is free, except for certain expressly defined paid services ("Paid Services"). To use the Service, it is necessary to register with the Platform, provide personal data, mandatory and/or optional, and accept the terms of service. Registration is free. The user of the Platform ("Guest") is responsible for all operations carried out with their Account, therefore, it is advised to keep the username and password confidential. To use the Platform, one must have reached the legal age according to Italian law (18 years).

The offers or promotions on the Platform are based on the information we receive from Hosts, for which we do not guarantee completeness and/or accuracy. Therefore, except in cases of blatant negligence, we cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the information. In case of confirmed incorrect information, we will correct the information or, if deemed necessary, terminate the relationship with the Host who has failed to comply with transparency and fairness rules.

Except for Paid Services regulated separately, any adherence to an offer on the Platform does not involve us nor contractually bind us. The relationship established following the Guest's adherence to a service proposed by a Host is exclusively between the Guest and the Host. Our company does not require any compensation for promoting structures on the Platform, nor intermediation fees in relation to the Experience chosen by the Guest.

We are responsible for managing the Platform but not for the service offered by the Host, who is solely responsible for the service offered, both in terms of truthfulness, quality, and compliance with the conditions offered. If the service offered by the Host has not met expectations and/or has been different, in content, from the information provided through the Platform, the Guest can lodge a complaint at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., which we will verify and forward to the Host, or can directly contact the Host at the addresses and contact details provided by them. If the Guest's complaint concerns the characteristics of the chosen accommodation and, therefore, its non-conformity with what was advertised by the Host, the Guest must raise the complaint with the Host immediately upon arrival or at the latest within 2 hours of arrival at the facility, in order to allow the Host (i) to identify an alternative solution or (ii) to reimburse the Guest the amount paid, at the discretionary choice of the latter. If the Guest is a consumer residing in the European Economic Area (EEA), they can also access the web platform for the resolution of disputes of the European Commission at the page https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
The Platform does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of the services and structures published therein.

The prices of structures and Experiences are determined by the Hosts.

Some Hosts, for their services, may require advance payment. If the Host requires advance payment, this may be received or pre-authorized at the time of booking and may be non-refundable. For this reason, before booking, check the Host's advance payment conditions, which we cannot influence and for which we are not responsible. If you are aware of or suspect fraudulent behavior or unauthorized use of your payment method, contact the payment system provider as soon as possible. When making a reservation, you accept the applicable conditions set by the Host.

The list of Hosts on the Platform will be regularly updated by the Operator, according to its own timing and operational methods, considering expressions of interest and adhesions by Hosts. Regarding the management of personal data processed through the Platform, please refer to the Privacy and cookie notices available here. Regarding the legal notes and information of individual Hosts, please refer to their respective website pages, for which the Operator is not responsible, or, in the absence thereof, to documentation provided by Hosts through other means.

Through the Platform, we offer or may offer paid services other than free promotional services ("Paid Services"). These Paid Services may be services related to the Experience or standalone services offered through partners with whom we collaborate or will collaborate, in order to offer Platform users a range of products or services evolving with market needs and customs trends.

The software, trademarks, content, information, and applications used on the Portal are assets of exclusive intellectual property of Followtip s.r.l., Via Mazzini, 42 – 23801 Calolziocorte (LC). Any use of these outside the Portal, within the limits of usage conditions, is unlawful and constitutes a violation punishable under Industrial Property laws.

The Service may be subject to interruptions due to ordinary or extraordinary maintenance and/or management of the Platform. The Operator is not responsible for interruptions to the Service resulting from maintenance, force majeure, or third-party actions.

Any dispute arising from or relating to these General Terms shall be exclusively submitted to the jurisdiction of the residence court of the consumer user and shall be governed by Italian law. In any other case where one does not act as a consumer, exclusive jurisdiction shall belong to the Court of Lecco (Italy).

The Operator reserves the right to modify and update these Terms.
Updated on 13/05/2024.